Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Yesterday my trainer told me that I have lifted over 500,000 pounds! Yeah, my goal is to have Michelle Obama arms and I feel like I am well on my way! Whatever! I feel stronger and leaner and that's what counts I guess. Also yesterday our neighbor told us he found the carcass of the little red fox that lived in the woods behind our house. I don't know how he died but I am saddened that I will no longer see him darting around terrorizing the neighborhood dogs.

For those of you who follow instagram, I am missourimorning.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

a tip

When you are subbing always try to make friends with, and acknowledge the troublemaker in the nextdoor classroom. When passing in the hall, give them a thumbs up or ask if they are still on "green." At least, look them in the eye and smile. Then, when you find yourself in their classroom, they will remember that you took the time to talk to them and they may not be so hard on you that day. Just sayin...