Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Check up and walking

I had my handy dandy pacemaker checked out this morning and also the stitches removed. It was a very cold, snowy day but I was determined to get back to my regular routine. After lunch I went to the Y and walked/ran five miles on the indoor track. I also did some work on my lower back and legs. No lifting weights for five more weeks.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

january mileage and pacemaker

My walking/running mileage for January totaled only 87 miles but I'm good with that number considering I spent three days and two nights in the hospital and came home with a handy dandy, industrial strength pacemaker. Now I have to listen to my body and give it time to heal and recuperate. I still can't believe that another person cut open my chest and maneuvered leads into my beating heart. Sort of like in the Squeeze My Boobies Prayer, I just thank God that I live in 2016 and  heart surgery is a somewhat common procedure and I love my heart surgeon.