Wednesday, September 13, 2017

the foot doctor

I don't usually go to doctors that often; more of a self-diagnosiser. Earlier this summer i took a tumble down some steps at the Y. I babied my foot, used a wine cooler as an ice-pack and generally took a couple of weeks off. I gradually worked up to my four miles a day and then I went to the beach. I love the beach and love walking bare footed on the sand. Since I've been home I've noticed pain in the ball of my foot and also shooting pain in my big toe. So last week I cut out mileage walking/jogging and made an appointment. Love this foot doctor! I thought all along the pain was the result of the fall (flip flops on the steps) but no, seems like I have arthritis in my feet. Heck, I've got a pacemaker in my shoulder, why not arthritis! He fixed me up with a shot and gave me his blessings to resume my very active life-style.

Saturday, August 26, 2017


Because of the humidity back in the forecast; I decided to walk early. I went to Riverside and clocked all four miles in a little over an hour. The trail was pretty much deserted except for a couple of dog walkers. Early morning really is the best time of the day. 
Oh yeah, I also did eighty park bench push-ups. Now time for a smoothie!

Friday, August 25, 2017

Stuff I do

Body pump: 2x a week
Tai chi: 2x a week
Yoga: 3x a week
Walking/jogging: 4 miles daily 

Monday, August 21, 2017


This is the stuff I eat up so I'm spending a lazy day at home with my homemade iced coffee and my official eclipse glasses ready to go. It doesn't help that my favorite walking trail along the river is overrun with food trucks and people shilling tee shirts, no thank you. I will say a special prayer today for our country and our world and express my gratitude for just being alive to witness this remarkable occurrence. I'm happy and healthy and God is so good.