Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 59, Pinball Medic

This game can be played with 40 to 50 players, 3rd, 4th or 5th graders. It's best to be in a gym. Place three bowling pins in three of the corners but I don't know why so you can probably skip that and still play the game. The two teams get on either side of the gym and and the idea is to throw big squishy orange balls at each other. No head shots allowed but the boys usually do get a couple in anyway. If they are hit by the opposing team, they sit down on the gym floor. Along the sidelines are two to three medics. They are equipped with little wheelies and their job is to pick up the injured players. Play continues until all the players are annihilated. Actually the orange squishy balls are great stress-relievers, if you ever find them in a school speciality catalog, they are definitely worth the bucks!!

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