Saturday, August 28, 2010

more pics from the KATY

The trail was rough and dusty. My butt was not used to my new gel seat and that was uncomfortable. Other than that, it was a great 14 mile ride.

Friday, August 27, 2010

hazard pay in second grade

Apparently he didn't study his spelling words so when the teacher handed him his test paper he threw it on the floor and stomped on it, when that didn't get him enough attention, he started kicking. Who was the closest to him? I was. I didn't know if he was a runner or not so I just stayed put and took it. Right on the shin. What happens if they run? Then you have to catch them and usually the police get involved. It's not worth it. Later I found out that he, in fact, was not a runner. Now you tell me this, I say!
It was a very long day!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

da bear

He's been at the corner of Jefferson and Capitol Avenue for as long as I can remember...quite a classy dude!

Monday, August 23, 2010

on the farm

I had a nice visit, I'm sorry I couldn't eat the steak you prepared, I'm just not a big meat-eater!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

love notes

As a teacher, I always had my pockets full of love notes at the end of the day. I would read them, smile or chuckle at the special kid-spelling and then toss them in the trash can on my way out the door. Now I save all my love notes. One in particular is matted, framed and hangs in my dining room. It was written at home on the family computer but signed with a fat brown magic marker.

My teacher is the niceste teacher that ever liver.She gives tests......but I don't care. She gives coloring booklets for every season.They are very fun.We play games. Here are some names of the games.....MAKING AND BREAKING,CUSTERS and 5 up.She is the prettyest teacher. She's (She is) the best reader.If we had a contest Witch teacher got a TROPHIE for the best reading.........She would win. ALWAYS!She should read these books.....COYOTE STILLS THE BLANKET And DUKE THE DAIRY DELIGHT DOG.Here is a poem......She is happiest be she queen or peasant who finds peace in her own

My favorite is one that I keep in my jewery box. It was given to me last year by a second grader named Daniel. It is written in skinny marker on the tag that he cut from the back of his t-shirt. When he handed it to me, my heart melted!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

day one

I spent the day in first and second grade as a facilitator to three handicapped kids. I learned that I have two hands and two feet that work, I have no big problems. Besides stashing Kleenex boxes, practicing numbers, learning new names and how to line up, we had to deal with wheel chairs and standing tables and pressure sores on bottoms.

Dear Lord, I am so grateful for what I have and what I can do. I love that you have given me this day to help Margaret and Grace and Anthony on their first day of school.

Monday, August 16, 2010

back to work

OMG! I have to sub on the first day of school! My frame of mind is not in "little kid mode" at all. No more Martha Stewart or afternoon naps or playing games on my DS. Now my life will be tied to Sub-Finder till next May. Oh well, I'll use this as an excuse to buy some new clothes!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

orchid: after and before pics

When my orchid blew over in a storm last week I rushed it to the Plant Doctor who kindly repotted it for me. I promise to take better care of it from now on!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

that's a no-no

I genuinely admire our First Lady, Michelle Obama. She is classy, intelligent and cares about people. Her campaign to get school children to change their eating habits is really starting to get everybody enthusiastic about getting healthy and staying healthy. But...she what was she thinking? To go on a personal vacation with her daughter to Spain cost the American Taxpayers over $600,000 for transportation and security. Do you know how much money that is to a poor teacher? Shame on you Mrs. Obama!! 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

i'm a tiger

Mizzou tiger that it!! Now's the time that lots of kids are getting ready to move back into the dorms and off-campus apartments--if they are lucky. It's a very exciting time. Here's a tip for the new freshmen. Yes, freshman 15 is real. I am referring to the weight gain that most students (girls, in particular) put on whenever they leave home and start eating dorm food, or too much fatty take-out, or "not so healthy" snacks between classes. Take advantage of your university's fitness center. They are usually state-of-the-art and one of the reasons your tuition fees are so outrageous. Besides, it's a great place to meet guys!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

new jail

May it keep the bad ones in and the good ones out.
On another subject, It's not quite true that I read one hundred percent non-fiction, I did put my name on the waiting list for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. There are only twenty two people ahead of me.