Thursday, August 19, 2010

love notes

As a teacher, I always had my pockets full of love notes at the end of the day. I would read them, smile or chuckle at the special kid-spelling and then toss them in the trash can on my way out the door. Now I save all my love notes. One in particular is matted, framed and hangs in my dining room. It was written at home on the family computer but signed with a fat brown magic marker.

My teacher is the niceste teacher that ever liver.She gives tests......but I don't care. She gives coloring booklets for every season.They are very fun.We play games. Here are some names of the games.....MAKING AND BREAKING,CUSTERS and 5 up.She is the prettyest teacher. She's (She is) the best reader.If we had a contest Witch teacher got a TROPHIE for the best reading.........She would win. ALWAYS!She should read these books.....COYOTE STILLS THE BLANKET And DUKE THE DAIRY DELIGHT DOG.Here is a poem......She is happiest be she queen or peasant who finds peace in her own

My favorite is one that I keep in my jewery box. It was given to me last year by a second grader named Daniel. It is written in skinny marker on the tag that he cut from the back of his t-shirt. When he handed it to me, my heart melted!

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