Monday, July 11, 2011

the cooler

On the last day of school the principal bought ice cream for all the little kids. Just take your class down to the cafeteria whenever you can work it in; the ice cream is in the walk in cooler. I'm terrified of the walk in cooler. I've seen too many movies where someone get lured into the freezer and they eventually turn into human Popsicles. I actually contemplated sending a little kid in to pick up the ice cream but he wouldn't know what to look for or reach it if it were on a high shelf. Maybe one of my more trust-worthy kids could stand and hold the freezer door open while I dashed in and out. Who to trust? I know that the freezer door does not lock. The cooks have told me on previous occasions to just push it open if I am inside when the door closes. They think it's hilarious that I won't go in the walk in cooler.  
Today the temperature will be in the triple digits. I went out early to water my hanging baskets. My roses need trimming but they will have to wait. I could also pick the blackberries that are now ripe. But our new air conditioner is humming away and I have a stack of new books to read.
 Dear Jesus, Please take care of all the people who make their living working outside. On some days I'm sure they enjoy it but today they may need Your help to stay hydrated.   

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