Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This afternoon I am scheduled to sub in the "big kid" autism classroom. I've been there before so I know what to expect or what not to expect. But first I have to take Sam for a morning walk, read the daily newspaper (that's a habit for me) and maybe catch the Martha Stewart Show. I love my Martha!

Monday, September 26, 2011

the weekend

On Saturday we walked 4.19 miles on the new part of the Green way which connects to the KATY trail. I didn't have my favorite NIkes on and I was afraid my toes would get sore again but the weather was absolutely gorgeous. Earlier that morning we met with brick and stone people to go over ideas about our new patio. Here is a "before" picture of the back of our house. The patio will be on the right side. It's going to be somewhat of a "work in progress" and we planned no steps but to just extend out from the porch area.

After our walk, we came home showered and went to Saturday Church. We ended the day watching HBO and eating Chinese take-out from our favorite neighborhood restaurant.

I should have walked Sunday (yesterday) but I decided to take the day off and curl up with my new "true crime " book by Ann Rule. She has been a favorite of mine ever since her first book, Small Sacrifices, the story of Dianne Downs who killed one of her kids.
Later on, we started sampling some of Hubby's homemade wine. Three kinds of raspberry, a plum wine which reminded me of Kool Aid and a combination of plum and raspberry which was awfully good. I'm pretty much a lightweight when it comes to drinking anything alcoholic... I must admit I was feeling pretty good. We drank wine out of plastic glasses and listened to the guy who lives below us cut and bale his hay.

Friday, September 23, 2011

days 5,6,7

Okay I 'm exhausted! I have spent the past three days with snotty nosed three year olds and I mean that literally. Watching them mess around with their food three times a day, breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack is a great way to stay on a diet. Add to that the fact that they choose not to cover their mouths when they cough or have any inkling to wipe/blow the knot flowing out of their little noses...well, it's enough to make you ill. Oh yeah, I did fall in love with a little Vietnamese boy named Joseph who is one cute kid!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Today was cool, in the 60's. Because of the wind I needed a jacket. That's okay, I like this kind of weather. I walked 5.61 miles and did not get sweaty! When I was getting into my car a man stopped me and asked for directions. I'm a landmark person and terrible about giving other people directions, however I was able to give him a new city map which I had in my car. Then when I tried to start my car, my keys were missing! I had to get out and search the parking lot. I finally located them under my seat.  Talk about a little scatter-brained today!
Later I went shopping a bought a new pair of earrings!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

the irs office

This morning I paid my third quarter taxes at the IRS office. It's located close to Our Little Mall and also the Greenway trail. I hate paying taxes and I hate the armed guard on duty there. He is fleshy, condescending and has an affinity for FOX news on the office flat screen. I  wore my nicest walking outfit and tried to look past him through my sunglasses. I realize that acting like a bitch is not a Christian thing to do but I consider it my own little way of protesting. Later I walked 5.61 miles.

Monday, September 12, 2011

i really wanted to

go biking this morning but I committed to helping with quilts so that's what I did. After lunch I decided to force some hyacinth bulbs for next Spring. I try this every year. Sometimes I have luck and sometimes I don't. This is my first attempt at hyacinths. I used what I had: a mixture of peat moss, perlite and cactus soil mixture. I figured that qualified for sandy soil. Then into the downstairs refrigerator for ten to eleven weeks.

Friday, September 9, 2011

oh no

That was my first thought this morning. It was raining and I had a long walk planned but then it stopped and I was able to walk 5.91 miles on the Greenway. I turn around on this trail at the fire station which in right around the corner from the elementary school where I sub. I can always hear the kids playing on the playground. While I was walking I started praying for all the little old ladies of this world, especially the poor ones. God please give them extra care. I think it would be hard to be old and poor in this country without anyone to look after you. Thank you for providing me with a wonderful, funny husband and a loving family.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

shes having a baby

I'm going in at noon today to sub for a friend who is having a baby. I will be taking over her class in February for six to eight weeks while she is at home with it. This will be a good opportunity today to see if her kids know how to behave. Generally, I love second graders, they know just enough about school to make it easy!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

devils backbone

Yes, there really is such a place and it's fairly close to where I live.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

today and tomorrow

Today I got my hair cut. Tomorrow I work in the new "big kid" autistic room. I hope I have some hair left!