Monday, September 26, 2011

the weekend

On Saturday we walked 4.19 miles on the new part of the Green way which connects to the KATY trail. I didn't have my favorite NIkes on and I was afraid my toes would get sore again but the weather was absolutely gorgeous. Earlier that morning we met with brick and stone people to go over ideas about our new patio. Here is a "before" picture of the back of our house. The patio will be on the right side. It's going to be somewhat of a "work in progress" and we planned no steps but to just extend out from the porch area.

After our walk, we came home showered and went to Saturday Church. We ended the day watching HBO and eating Chinese take-out from our favorite neighborhood restaurant.

I should have walked Sunday (yesterday) but I decided to take the day off and curl up with my new "true crime " book by Ann Rule. She has been a favorite of mine ever since her first book, Small Sacrifices, the story of Dianne Downs who killed one of her kids.
Later on, we started sampling some of Hubby's homemade wine. Three kinds of raspberry, a plum wine which reminded me of Kool Aid and a combination of plum and raspberry which was awfully good. I'm pretty much a lightweight when it comes to drinking anything alcoholic... I must admit I was feeling pretty good. We drank wine out of plastic glasses and listened to the guy who lives below us cut and bale his hay.

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