Wednesday, October 23, 2013

not into fiction

This morning I was back on the Katy. It was cold and I mistakenly thought I had a pair of riding gloves in my car but that was my old car and they were obviously were not in my new car. I made do by pulling the sleeves of my sweatshirt down over my hands. After fourteen miles I managed to warm up. I ate an apple and headed home. I spent the rest of my afternoon reading Gone Girl. Honestly, it's not that great. I'm just not a fiction reader!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I heart little boys with glasses! Girls too, they're just so cute!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

forty miles

Yes! Three days of walking four miles each day and two fourteen mile bike rides for a total of forty miles!! I love October weather and I love the St. Louis Cardinals!

Monday, October 7, 2013


I didn't realize it was so windy this morning when I left for my ride but I geared down on my way to Claysville and rode with the breeze on my way back. It was a very enjoyable ride with not too many people on the trail. I saw no wildlife except a granddaddy catfish swimming around in circles in Cedar Creek. And this is a little crazy but I passed a lady pushing a baby carriage; not a stroller especially made for runners but a baby carriage. They were both smiling, mama and baby, I could tell they were into the beautiful morning.
On a sad note, Pinky died over the weekend in Springfield. She was fifty years old which they say is ancient for elephants. Her only child, now eighteen, resides at the Oklahoma Zoo. RIP Pinky!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

a selfie

I was on the trail at eleven and back home at 12:30. It's a glorious summer fall day with temps in the 80s and instead of my usual fourteen miles, I rode twelve. Hubby aired up my tires for me earlier this morning and that made for a very smooth and fast ride. I don't know why I cut it short. I guess I was hungry. I passed about a dozen people but no one passed me. A momma bear turtle was the only wildlife I saw and a few red tailed squirrels jumping out of the way. Here's a monthly selfie  of me taken after I got back.