Sunday, November 17, 2013


As you can see from these pictures; we always have a project going on!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

best laid plans

No walking today. The wind is whipping up something terrible and I just might blow away! I'm kidding but I'm also kicking myself for not getting out earlier when it was reasonably nice. I played lazy this morning and watched a Gwyneth Paltrow movie on HBO channel. I could drive to the Y but I'm not that motivated today to get out and about. In case you are wondering about all those cookies; we end up giving most of them away.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Christmas cookies

Yesterday I didn't walk but I baked Christmas cookies instead. We made the traditional German leb cookie. In past years we have always halved the recipe but this year we decided to do it right and make the whole recipe; 25 dozen cookies! Then I made the Candy Cane Blossoms from Pinterest because they are just so cute. Today I taught second grade.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


The weather here for the past couple of days has been gorgeous. Today I walked four miles on the Greenway trail. I did it in 67 minutes! Okay, I did walk/run intervals but I'm feeling pretty good about the time. On Friday I did the same mileage in 71 minutes, mostly walking. Saturday, as a treat to myself for giving up sugar for nine days straight; I went shopping at the outlet mall and bought some new clothes. Woohoo! God is so good!