Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I have already clocked three miles on the treadmill. Since it is a bright and sunny day out I might walk a fourth in the hood but then again, maybe not. It is 26 degrees now. Tomorrow, New Years Day, is the traditional day that I trim back my roses. I'm hoping for sunshine again. In the meantime, I have been thinking about the time on the Katy when I just happened upon all those catfish. I don't know how many but it sure seemed like thousands. It was a serendipity experience that's for sure. My resolutions for 2014 are to continue with my exercise routine and replace all of my towels. I meant to do that last year and didn't get around to it. I will donate my old towels to the animal shelter here in town.  

Monday, December 30, 2013

getting creative

This morning I walked/ran three miles on my downstairs treadmill while I watched old reruns of The Andy Griffin show on tvland. I walked one mile on the indoor track at the Y because it was my day to lift weights. I also ran a half mile downtown near the library (in 16 degree temperature) but I'm not counting that. I had some other errands to do but made it home around one. I just love a warm house!
 Not for a minute do I take what I have for granted. My family, my health and my comfortable house are all a gift from God. I try to thank Him every day.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

danskin now

Yesterday I walked four miles outside on the Greenway track. Today I walked/ran three miles and ran another mile indoor at the Y. I seem to be falling into that routine and that's okay for the cold months although today the weather was in the 60's, springtime like! This is a pic of me in a tee I bought at Walmart for $6.00. It is a Danskin Now brand. They are very soft and they launder well. They are so cheap and yet they are my favorite tee to wear when working out.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Today I walked/ran three miles at the Greenway track. It was a little icy in places but I was able to avoid those areas and run in the grass. The temp was low 40's but the sun was shining and the ice on the trees was cracking which in a crazy way was very soothing to me. And of course, I practically had the whole trail to myself. I did my last mile on the indoor track at the Y and then lifted weights. Can you tell that at my last hair appointment I had some bangs cut. 2013 has been a very good year for me. No operations. I bought a new car. I am healthy. I always breathe a little easier in even years. It's an OCD thing!

Friday, December 6, 2013

a strange but true story about luck

Last week I found a four leaf clover. On my living room rug. Sam is low to the ground. When he goes outside to do his business he drags in leaves etc. along with him. It is not uncommon for me to be picking up a stray leaf or twig. But last week I was flabbergasted. There it was; a perfect four leaf clover...on the rug.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Yes, we are lucky. The day started out in the mid 60s again but by the afternoon it had gotten considerably colder. Even though we will wake up to freezing temps tomorrow, we will fortunately miss all the ice and snow that was predicted earlier. I have to sub again tomorrow and I have already dug through my stack of wool sweaters and picked out one to wear. During the cold weather months my contacts always make my eyes itch. I use refreshing drops but they are sometimes hard to put in at school. I got a new pair of glasses recently and so I usually just wear these when I sub. They make me feel studious!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


It was mid 60s today and I was subbing. I subbed yesterday too. After school when I was helping load kids on the bus, I happened to look up at the sky. I saw a sundog and I know what that means: there's going to be a big change in the weather. I need to get myself prepared mentally for the really cold temps.