Tuesday, January 7, 2014

questions and answers

What kind of walking shoes do you wear? For years I was a Nike whore but I recently switched to Brooks. The latest pair I bought though is Saucony. Both brands are very light weight and comfortable. I usually don't wear socks.

How do you spend your day when you are not subbing? I read a lot of nonfiction and I always have several books going. Besides the Halparin book on my ipad, I am reading Bill O'Reilly's book, Killing Jesus.

What did you get for Christmas? Two pair of Mariana earrings, two cashmere sweaters, a pair of leather boots and a pair of Hunter rain boots.

What kind of salad are you eating now? I call it my Triple P Salad: romaine lettuce, pomegranates, heavy parm cheese and a handful of pecans, toasted are great but I don't usually take the time.

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