Tuesday, October 21, 2014


First of all, it's been three weeks since I've had any kind of soda; diet or loaded. I was drinking up to five cans a day and sometimes in the middle of the night cracking one open because I was so thirsty. Yes, I quit cold-turkey I think they call it. What I've been drinking lately: a cup of coffee in the morning, green tea and lots of water with ice and a lemon slice. Do I feel healthier? You bet! I am so proud of myself for getting off the diet soda kick!!
Yesterday was a gorgeous summer-turned-fall day here in Missouri. I took the bike to the Katy and rode twelve miles. It was late in the afternoon and I wanted to beat the bridge traffic home so I cut two miles off of my usual ride. This morning I made Braille books with my Lutheran lady friends and of course that means lunch afterwards. I hightailed it home and changed into my walking clothes and walked four miles on the Greenway. Oh, this morning when I walked out to get the paper, I was surprised by five deer in my front yard munching on my new landscaping. It was a momma and some young ones and I quickly shooed them into the woods. Sam would love to catch them off guard and bark like crazy at them. I still miss him like crazy too.

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