Thursday, January 14, 2016

the tilt table test

Yesterday I had a tilt table test at the university. I knew that I was scheduled for this test and I was dreading it.The name tilt table sounds ominous, I mean I stay away from roller coasters. A Prince Harry look alike met me at the cardiac waiting room and reassured me that everything would be fine. And it was. After he inserted a needle-less IV in my arm, attached two blood pressure cuffs and electrodes on my neck and seat belts around my middle and legs because we do have a set belt law here in Missouri, the table was tilted back and I just stood in a darkened room for 40 minutes while he watched what my heart was doing on a monitor behind me. All very harmless, and I was told I passed with flying colors!
Today I power walked six miles. Two miles on the indoor track and later, another four miles on the Greenway. I had to dodge patches of ice but the temperature was in the mid sixties and glorious for this time of year. I also lifted weights and ab work as I didn't get it done yesterday.

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