Sunday, February 22, 2009

Judges and Ruth

The book of Judges is filled with violence. It was not an easy read. The story of Samson, beginning in chapter 13, is probably the most heroic figure from Judges. When his first wife was burned to death by the Philistines, Samson attacked them to get revenge. He was taken prisoner but through the Spirit of the Lord he was able to kill a thousand of the Philistines using a jawbone of a donkey. Later, he takes a lover named Delilah. She tricks him into telling her the secret of his great strength. After she cuts off his long hair, the Philistines are able to recapture him. They take him prisoner and gouge his eyes out. He prays to the Lord to give him strength to push down the temple pillars causing the roof to collapse on his enemies. He dies along with them.
The book of Ruth is a much more enjoyable and even eloquent story. It takes place during the same time period as the Judges. It is the story of the loving bond between a young widow and her mother-in-law. Ruth was a Moabite, a despised enemy of Israel. Yet the Lord used her to produce Israel's greatest king. Ruth's great-grandson turned out to be David.

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