Saturday, March 14, 2009

Book Review

I like to save time by taking advantage of our local library's website. Since I am a 99.9% non-fiction reader, I can usually tell by the title if it would be time-worthy. Here's my latest review:

  • Mrs. Lincoln: a Life, I love everything about Lincoln and I loved this one, lots of interesting facts and an easy read at that.
  • Extreme Birds: just a big,colorful picture book but unfortunately most of these birds are not native to mid-America.
  • The Kings Reign, Anheuser-Busch, a history of the Busch family with lots of neat pictures, haven't gotten into it yet.
  • River Town: two years of the Yangtze, I've always been facinated with China and as I got into this book, I realized that it's writer, Peter Hessler is from Missouri. He records the two years he spent teaching in Fuling, a town of 200,000 along the Wu River.

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