Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day Pie

I'm no foodie but Hubby picked the gooseberries, we both worked on stemming them, and I promised a pie for his special day. I had to get out the old Betty Crocker Cookbook for the recipe and actually turn the oven on. It's hot outside and I don't like to add to the heat but it was for a good cause!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Bunny

I'm not really into yard ornaments but this little stone bunny caught my eye last spring. Since it was close to Easter and since I had a 40% off coupon in my pocket, I decided it would make a good addition to my front porch. Now skip ahead a couple of weeks... I was pulling into my driveway after subbing one day and I saw some movement on my front porch. It was a little bunny with his nose smack up to the stone bunny, just like he was giving him a little welcome kiss. Of course, it only lasted a second but it made my day!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Retina Detachment

This happened while I was doing a long-term subbing assignment for a good friend who was going through her own health crisis at the time. I remember it was early in the morning and I was trying to get the kiddos started on a writing assignment. From the inside out, I suddenly could see a red spot of blood forming in the middle of my left eye. There was no pain and when I checked in the mirror, no tell-tale sign of anything wrong. I had some experiences with "floaters" in the past but this was different. It was a bright red spot. I did nothing and told no one that first day. I did make a call to my eye doctor the next day but played down my concern, I believe I waited two more days before I was actually face-to-face with my eye doctor who advised my to go immediately to the university to be examined by a retina specialist. My eyeball was so full of blood that she could not tell at that time how bad it was or even if she could fix it. My situation was serious and any wasted time might mean permanent blindness in that eye. Needless to say I was at a very low-point. I'll skip through the drama but there is a God in Heaven. The surgery was successful. Recuperation was tough; weeks in bed, face-down, waiting for the air bubble to dissolve. Now a year and a half later, most of my eyesight has returned. My surgeon said this ailment is actually fairly common for football players and old people. I didn't need to hear that!

Monday, June 1, 2009

School's Out For The Summer!!

Wow, another year of school is over and a whole summer to relax and enjoy doing whatev!! I subbed a total of 75 days this year. 90 is my cut-off as more than that interferes with my money from heaven or... teacher retirement benefits. It has been a successful school year with more hugs than kid bites; at least none that broke the skin anyway. Yeah, that does happen on occasion. I've already finished two books, one on the theft of Mona Lisa by R.A. Scotti and the other, a very complete account of the Columbine tragedy by Dave Cullen. I get all my books from the public library--I usually have one or two from my "reserved list" waiting for me.

Yesterday I was in the back yard reading on my porch swing and I saw a red tail sail by. It was a red fox being chased by a momma deer! I love wild animals even though that deer probably was the one that munched off the tops of my just blooming day lilies in the front yard.

Hey, can you beat this, I have seven little tomatoes on my lone tomato plant already. I think they should be ripe by July 4th!