Monday, June 1, 2009

School's Out For The Summer!!

Wow, another year of school is over and a whole summer to relax and enjoy doing whatev!! I subbed a total of 75 days this year. 90 is my cut-off as more than that interferes with my money from heaven or... teacher retirement benefits. It has been a successful school year with more hugs than kid bites; at least none that broke the skin anyway. Yeah, that does happen on occasion. I've already finished two books, one on the theft of Mona Lisa by R.A. Scotti and the other, a very complete account of the Columbine tragedy by Dave Cullen. I get all my books from the public library--I usually have one or two from my "reserved list" waiting for me.

Yesterday I was in the back yard reading on my porch swing and I saw a red tail sail by. It was a red fox being chased by a momma deer! I love wild animals even though that deer probably was the one that munched off the tops of my just blooming day lilies in the front yard.

Hey, can you beat this, I have seven little tomatoes on my lone tomato plant already. I think they should be ripe by July 4th!

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