Monday, June 15, 2009

Retina Detachment

This happened while I was doing a long-term subbing assignment for a good friend who was going through her own health crisis at the time. I remember it was early in the morning and I was trying to get the kiddos started on a writing assignment. From the inside out, I suddenly could see a red spot of blood forming in the middle of my left eye. There was no pain and when I checked in the mirror, no tell-tale sign of anything wrong. I had some experiences with "floaters" in the past but this was different. It was a bright red spot. I did nothing and told no one that first day. I did make a call to my eye doctor the next day but played down my concern, I believe I waited two more days before I was actually face-to-face with my eye doctor who advised my to go immediately to the university to be examined by a retina specialist. My eyeball was so full of blood that she could not tell at that time how bad it was or even if she could fix it. My situation was serious and any wasted time might mean permanent blindness in that eye. Needless to say I was at a very low-point. I'll skip through the drama but there is a God in Heaven. The surgery was successful. Recuperation was tough; weeks in bed, face-down, waiting for the air bubble to dissolve. Now a year and a half later, most of my eyesight has returned. My surgeon said this ailment is actually fairly common for football players and old people. I didn't need to hear that!

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