Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Everything Martha

I love Martha Stewart!! I'm almost halfway thru The Best of Friends by Mariana Pasternak (who is facinating in her own right.) I'm sold on this book as it really dishes the dirt about Martha. I don't care, I heart her anyway!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Round-about Prayer

River City had zero round-abouts last year, now we are up to seven I think... This is the newest one, it's actually a double. One way leads to the new Menards, the other way takes you to Target. So in honor of the new round-about, which can be somewhat confusing at first, I offer this prayer:
Dear God,
Bless this round-about. May all who travel on it get to where they are going and may they have enough brains to figure out the arrows. In your name I ask this. Amen.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Washington park: part 2

To all you people eating in your cars: Get your fat butt  yourself out of your car; this nice picnic area is a half mile down the trail. No, you won't walk off that double cheeseburger and large order of fries, but it's a start!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Washington Park

It's a parking lot next to the baseball field. I like to park there because it stays shady most of the afternoon. It's also a great place to walk because of the creek on the other side of the trees adds a water element; a nice touch to any walking trail. Back to the parking lot, when I arrive there at noon, I usually see several prople eating in their cars. Why on earth would anyone choose to eat their lunch (fast foodfat food) in a parking lot next to a walking trail. It always motivates me to walk an extra mile!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Rainy day

After a cool week-end weather wise, today turned out to be perfect for what I had planned: a visit to the dentist for routine cleaning and a morning spent organizing  the attic. My goal is to get everything out of cardboard boxes and into neat plastic bins. I feel I've made some progress. No, I don't plan to label all the bins...that's way too anal for me.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Single-Stream Recycling

We have single-stream recycling in our city. Lots of people didn't want it. Trash pick-up dropped from two days a week to one. All of the residents of our city are billed so nobody can sneak their trash into another's container. I like it. Recycling is so much easier. My little personal goal is to always have more in my recycling bin than in the trash bin.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Return letter

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am a long-time customer of your company. I like your clothes for their style, quality and affordability. I think this is the first time I have returned an item.

I recently received this embroidered tunic. It was on back-order and when it finally arrived, I loved the colorful embroidery and the softness of the material. I was concerned about the length but decided I could wear it belted. I'm a substitute teacher and this week I wore it to work. At the end of the day I looked like I had forgotten to take off my pajama top. I decided it had to go back.

My order number is XXXXXXXXX. My credit card number is XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. Please credit my account or send a gift certificate in the amount of purchase.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I'm in a funk.

Spring is one of my favorite times... planting new flowers, feeding and pruning my rose bushes, watching them begin to bud. Plus, subbing is over for the year. I have used up all my days and now I can play and take long hikes and generally enjoy my life without feeling guilty. But the oil spill has ruined all of that. Even though I live far from the coast of Louisiana and Mississippi and Florida I am truly shocked and saddened by what is going on.

Dear Jesus,
Our Planet needs you. Please give wisdom and guidance to the oilmen in charge of capping off and stopping the flow of oil into our beautiful Gulf Coast. I think of all the little animals that will lose their lives because of this tragedy. I think of all the men and women who will lose their livelihood needlessly. A part of our beautiful earth will be destroyed, maybe forever. We need you help. Please help us.