Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I'm in a funk.

Spring is one of my favorite times... planting new flowers, feeding and pruning my rose bushes, watching them begin to bud. Plus, subbing is over for the year. I have used up all my days and now I can play and take long hikes and generally enjoy my life without feeling guilty. But the oil spill has ruined all of that. Even though I live far from the coast of Louisiana and Mississippi and Florida I am truly shocked and saddened by what is going on.

Dear Jesus,
Our Planet needs you. Please give wisdom and guidance to the oilmen in charge of capping off and stopping the flow of oil into our beautiful Gulf Coast. I think of all the little animals that will lose their lives because of this tragedy. I think of all the men and women who will lose their livelihood needlessly. A part of our beautiful earth will be destroyed, maybe forever. We need you help. Please help us.

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