Monday, April 4, 2011

curb side recycling

Tomorrow is election day here in River City. One of the more controversial amendments concerns our trash service which includes curb side recycling. All city residents are required to pay monthly for this service. We have two bins or containers or blue things as they are called at our house. They are emptied once a week and everyone pays on average $15 dollars a month. I feel this is a very reasonable rate. Well, some people don't like the fact that they were not given a choice; if you happen to be a city resident, you have to pay. Some people think they could get by cheaper if they were allowed to share a bin with a neighbor and split the cost. The amendment is worded strangely, a no vote means the service stays the way it is. A yes vote means that the current contract with the trash service is broken and the city could possible be sued. I will be voting no on this issue, why change a good thing!

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