Tuesday, May 31, 2011


School is out and I am officially finished with subbing for the summer. Now I can get back to my very neglected roses. They need a "Halt" treatment desperately. That's what I use to control Black spot. But it's a gloomy, rainy day here and I'm waiting for the sun to come out. I also plan to take a long walk today so I need me some sunshine!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

extreme sadness

I've been in a major funk lately and It's due to what happened in Joplin. I don't know anyone who lives there and I've only been through the town a small number of times but I still can't bear to watch the news or even read about the tornado in the newspapers or the Internet. I do remember Joplin as being "pancake flat." Not like River City, which is like a little San Francisco, lots of hills and curves. The day the tornado hit we got a hard rain and hail storm but it was over quickly and there was no wind. I didn't think lives would be lost that day. I just feel so sad, almost to the point of a stomach ache.  Dear Jesus, please help the people of Joplin, Missouri.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

a first

It's tradition to pass along a writing sample to next years teacher so I assigned a story this morning about anything. We brainstormed ideas; camping trips, t-ball, first time in an airplane. I picked up the papers to read over later and William's paper just happened to land on top. William had used "invented spelling" but an experienced teacher could easily decipher it: When i wnt to granmos and granpos hos i fel of a fens and tored my tscles.

For Wednesday I walked 13,905 steps or 5.26 miles.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

the end, almost

Monday's steps totalled 8,700 or 3.29 miles. Today's steps totalled 7,925 or 3 miles. I've been thinking about what to do with all the money I'm making. I'll receive two big checks; one at the end of May and one in June. I've thought about trading in my one-carrot diamond for a bigger one (I really like diamonds) but I don't wear the one I have now. I could take a trip to Antarctic to see the penguins or I could stick it in the bank to use when I buy a different car. It's nice to come up with wild ideas. I'll probably bank it! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

peter and the wolf

Today I had a grand total of 17,499 steps or 6.62 miles. This afternoon we were treated to a second grade performance of Peter and the Wolf. The kids created their own costumes. It was amazing, even if we did miss recess to see it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Monday I walked 12,828 steps or 4.85 miles. Today I walked 10,607 steps or 4.01 miles. We had an assembly this afternoon so I was sitting for awhile. Later, I caught two kids "kissing" on the playground. Why is that shocking? They're six years old!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

favorite book

On Thursday I walked 6,819 steps or 2.58 miles. I don't know why my count was down. I did have an afternoon meeting and I sat on my butt for an hour. It also rained that day and recess was cut short so there was less patrolling on the playground. Yesterday (Friday) I walked 13,264 steps or 5.02 miles. I also discovered the cutest book ever in the school library, The Pout Pout Fish. I'm sorry I didn't copy down the author's name. It just might be my favorite book ever and I'm off to the book store this week-end to buy a copy for my personal collection. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today I walked 13,182 steps or 4.99 miles. Yes, I actually walk this much during the school day. Since I've been subbing I haven't been doing any extra walking except walking Sam when I get home but that is not counted in my daily mileage. This afternoon at school we were treated to the fifth grade orchestra assembly. These kids are invited to start orchestra at the beginning of the year. They really did a nice job (a few squeakers) and everyone enjoyed it. Yesterday we took a field trip to the public library located downtown. They gave us a tour of the Children's Department, talked about the books and other items (movies and magazines) which can be checked out and showed a cute movie. We also learned a song about mosquito burritoes. The kids were well-behaved, I was relieved as it's the same library I use.

The Mother's Day flowers are all ready and waiting to be taken home on Friday. I hope they survive the bus ride!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

azalea bushes

I have two azalea bushes that look like large snowballs every spring. They would be my favorite flower/shrub but unfortunately they only bloom once and then it's all over till next year.
Mondays mileage: 12,342 steps or 4.67 miles. Todays milesage: 14,126 steps or 5.35 miles. Here's a classroom picture.