Saturday, May 7, 2011

favorite book

On Thursday I walked 6,819 steps or 2.58 miles. I don't know why my count was down. I did have an afternoon meeting and I sat on my butt for an hour. It also rained that day and recess was cut short so there was less patrolling on the playground. Yesterday (Friday) I walked 13,264 steps or 5.02 miles. I also discovered the cutest book ever in the school library, The Pout Pout Fish. I'm sorry I didn't copy down the author's name. It just might be my favorite book ever and I'm off to the book store this week-end to buy a copy for my personal collection. 

1 comment:

  1. A Google alert brought me to your blog post, so I'm happy to be able to tell you the author's name. I'm so glad you like The Pout-Pout Fish!!! That makes me very cheery-cheerful.

    Best Fishes,
    Debbie Diesen (author of The Pout-Pout Fish)
