Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today I walked 13,182 steps or 4.99 miles. Yes, I actually walk this much during the school day. Since I've been subbing I haven't been doing any extra walking except walking Sam when I get home but that is not counted in my daily mileage. This afternoon at school we were treated to the fifth grade orchestra assembly. These kids are invited to start orchestra at the beginning of the year. They really did a nice job (a few squeakers) and everyone enjoyed it. Yesterday we took a field trip to the public library located downtown. They gave us a tour of the Children's Department, talked about the books and other items (movies and magazines) which can be checked out and showed a cute movie. We also learned a song about mosquito burritoes. The kids were well-behaved, I was relieved as it's the same library I use.

The Mother's Day flowers are all ready and waiting to be taken home on Friday. I hope they survive the bus ride!

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