Tuesday, January 31, 2012


This is my last "free" day for awhile, ten whole weeks to be exact. Tomorrow I will be standing in front of nineteen second graders acting like I know something. Please God, I only want to humbly do my job and help them make it into third grade and feel good about themselves. Thank you for the glorious day yesterday. I walked over four miles. Although it is overcast, I plan to walk at least that much today. I will get my clothes ready and  bake chocolate chip cookies for my Hubby.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

a story about pie

One day last week a group of friends decided to go on a road trip. It was a perfectly gorgeous day and after a short discussion, the ladies decided on a day of antiquing and a stop at a favorite, semi-famous pie shoppe. No big purchases were made during this excursion but it was fun to look around and generally enjoy each other's company. Later, at the pie shoppe the friends who usually pick different selections all seemed dreamy-eyed over the fresh peach pie. They purchased the whole pie and the proprietor/baker told them he would slice it into five giant pieces just for them. Yum, they were so hungry after their afternoon of browsing and antiquing. As each one of the ladies took their their first bite a strange thing happened. They discovered at the same instant that the pie tasted terrible. Instead of the sugary top, the baker had mistakenly used salt. He was so apologetic and replaced the pie with chocolate and coconut cream but each had a salt rim around their mouths that they still tasted on the trip back home.

Friday, January 20, 2012

3 2 1 cake

No baby yet but I know my "free days" are numbered so in the meantime, I'm going to bake a little cake. I got this recipe in my email box from one of my braille friends.

3 2 1 cake

In a Ziploc bag, combine two cake mixes and mix well. One of the cakes mixes has to be Angel Food, the other mix can be any flavor you wish. For each individual serving, take out 3 tablespoons of the cake mix combo and mix it with 2 tablespoons water in a small, microwave-safe container. Microwave on high for 1 minute, and you have your own instant, individual cake.
Notes: The best thing is, you open both cake mixes in a gallon storage bag, one that self-seals or seals tightly, shake the two cake mixes to blend and then make the recipe. Two points on Weight Watchers for those of you who follow.

FYI: The Angel Food is the cake mix that has egg whites in it, so if anyone is allergic to eggs this recipe would not be for them.

Friday, January 13, 2012


I've been having issues with my stomach lately. Lots of problems with what I eat. I have temporally stopped taking vitamins and supplements and stopped eating fruits in the morning, maybe an orange or small container of applesauce in the afternoon. Nothing fried and no red meat either. Last night I had a bowl of vegetable soup and I still had a tummy ache later. What scares me is the long term subbing job that I will be starting soon. Any person in their right mind would call the doctor right? Not me, I told Hubby last night, "If I am still suffering in May, then I will think about calling the doctor." I'm serious, that's what I said.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


How strange! Yesterday the temperature almost reached 60. It was sunny and I walked on my favorite trail four miles. Today the temperature is in the twenties with a very fierce windchill. Most of the schools in the city and surrounding area are closed for the day. Here's a picture of the bulbs that I forced way back in September. They are just beginning to bloom!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

to make a long story short

My one year old Dell computer was hacked. My sweet hubby tried to fix it. The Dell technicians came to my rescue. Parts were ordered. The week-end went by. Technicians came and went. More parts were ordered. Finally it was fixed. I'm happy. I need to go outside and walk. It's a beautiful day here in Missouri.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


When I was a  "real teacher" The month of January was my least favorite. Today I spent time doing laundry, making vegetable soup and reading:
  • The first three chapters of 1st Kings
  • Eva Braun by Heike Gortemaker (on my iPad)
  • The Foremost Good Fortune by Susan Conley (also on my iPad)
I want to try to make it completely thought the Bible this year.