Friday, July 20, 2012

high temps, etc...

We are back up to triple digit temperatures and will be for awhile. I can never ever remember it being this hot. When I was still a "regular" teacher and teaching summer school, at recess the kids would end up crawling underneath the picnic tables on the playground to get out of the hot sun. Even then, it was never this hot. I've been reading another book about the Titanic. 101 Things You Thought You Knew About The Titanic by Tim Maltin. Actually since this is the fourth book I've read about the subject, I do know quite a few of the facts already. I am also reading The People Who Eat Darkness by Richard Lloyd Parry. This is a true crime story which takes place in Tokyo, Japan. It's an excellent read so far. Oh, we are planning on painting the dining room this weekend. I'm going with light grey walls and lemon yellow carpeting. I'm planning on using doggy doors on all the doorways so Sammy isn't tempted to mark his place. This will be the third time we've replaced the carpeting due to "you know who!"

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