Wednesday, May 15, 2013


OMG. I'm teaching kindergarten tomorrow. School's out for the summer next week so this will be the last full day of subbing for me. Woo Hoo. I'm really getting tired of being nice to other people's kids.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

mile 150

I rode to Claysville and back this morning. It was already getting warm at 9:30 but I didn't care. It felt great to be on the trail riding. I saw indigo buntings five different times, could have been the same bird although I'm pretty sure I saw a male and female. The male is a beautiful teal blue color while the female is grayish.  I also saw bunnies and a diamond back rattler sunning on the trail. But no butterflies this trip which is a puzzlement for me. I always see little cabbage whites or a sulfur or two but not this morning. Tomorrow and the next day I am scheduled to sub so no riding till Friday. Thank you God for this beautiful day and allowing me to enjoy it.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

mothers day bike

Yesterday I rode fourteen miles on my new Mother's Day bike. I rode all the way to mile 150 and back. My butt was alittle sore but I love my new bike.Woo Hoo! The day before I walked 5.26 miles on the Washington Park trail; my first time on the trail this year. Today I walked a little over a mile in the hood but rain prevented me from going any distance.