Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I subbed yesterday. I asked a little girl if she had had a good weekend. Remember yesterday was Monday. "Oh yeah," she came back without missing a beat. "Mom made banana bread."

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Yesterday was a nice enough day to walk outside. I totaled my usual four miles and lifted weights at the Y. Today it is just plain cold and blustery. I walked the dog; that's enough for me. I may venture downstairs to my treadmill later or maybe spend the afternoon snuggled up reading. Last week I finished French Women Don't Get Facelifts by Mireille Guiliano in book form. I am currently reading The Reason I Jump by Naoki Higashida and The Happy Life Checklist by Amy Spencer on the Ipad.

Friday, February 21, 2014

remarkable toe

I have an ugly toe, actually it's the nail on top; all purple and thick. Disgusting. Since I have OCDs about my feet I do my own pedis and usually keep bright polish on them. Yesterday I took the polish off and noticed that a healthy looking flesh colored nail was growing underneath and pushing the ugly one out. Sort of like a metamorphosis, a toenail metamorphosis. You can bet that I'm going to become very careful about my toenails from now on. I think the purple toe was the result of being run over by a wheelchair kid a while ago.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

don't do it well

I don't do sick well. I don't mean to be confusing but for the past week I have been under the weather so to speak. I feel guilty for not even stepping on my downstairs treadmill much less racking up any mileage outside or at the Y. The weather here has been subzero and also a reason for me to stay inside and hibernate but that might come to an end today. I definitely feel healthy enough to make my way to either the little mall or the indoor track at the Y for some walking. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I ran this as a test to see if  I actually could post a pic. I guess it is now working. By the way, this is a parm salad I am crazy about.