Friday, May 22, 2015


I bought a used Bernina sewing machine yesterday. It's a beauty. We took a road trip to Mennonite country to get it. My sweet Grammy taught me how to sew years ago and I thought it would be handy to have. I spent some time studying the manual and figuring out how to drop the bobbin and thread it up. No, I'm not going to start making my own clothes but I do have a mesh laundry bag to mend! On the way back we stopped at the Bulk Grocery Store and stocked up on steel cut oatmeal, dark chocolate chips and sixteen bean soup mix. Also a huge chunk of Pepper Jack cheese for $1.99 a pound.
Today I was back on the hard surface of the Greenway and walked/ran four and a quarter miles. Plus, my regular workout with weights at the Y.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


I used to teach science to kids so I knew there had to be a logical explanation to the puzzling sock in the washing machine mystery. The answer was the bag. I discovered a small opening in the seam at the bottom. It was only an inch in length but I could see that a sock could escape from the bag especially with the agitation of the laundry. The fact that it's always a pink sock; I usually wear the pink socks early in the week, therefore the pink socks are usually at the bottom of the bag.
Yesterday I walked a little over five miles on the track at the middle school. I have been nursing self-diagnosed shin splints and decided to stick to soft surfaces for awhile. It was nice; I could sing along with Jimmy Buffet and nobody paid any attention!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

a weird story

I keep my dirty running socks in a mesh bag. It's easy to throw in the washer when I'm doing laundry and easier to sort the pairs after I take them out of the dryer. Something strange has been happening lately. For the third time I have found one stray pink sock that has somehow escaped from the bag and mixed in with the various towels and whatever happens to be in the laundry that day. The mesh bag is always zipped up, I'm OCD. I check it. This is an absolutely true story and I find it very puzzling. I'm going to try to find out why this is happening. Maybe I'll stuff them all into a smaller mesh bag and see if that makes a difference. I'm guessing it won't.