Tuesday, June 28, 2011

the trial

I have tried to not spend a lot of my time watching the Casey Anthony trial. It's hard because I love true crime. I must confess that I have become somewhat addicted. Here's my theory as to what happened. I know that Cindy says she may have left the ladder attached to the backyard swimming pool thus enabling little Caylee to get out the patio door and climb into the pool. If she did that she would have to feel overwhelming guilt and would realize that she played a part in the child's drowning. Cindy is an emotional person and yet when she was talking about the ladder she had it together and was not overly emotional. Also, what would be the point of duct tape if poor little Caylee drowned. I believe that Casey did her in, using chloroform and duct tape and then kept the body in the trunk of her car before dumping her in the woods near her parent's home. Unfortunately, there are a lot of cruel people in this world and Casey Anthony is one of them.
This morning I walked 5.31 miles. It was sunny with temperature in the 80's.

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