Wednesday, November 30, 2011

peaks and valleys

With me it's always been peaks and valleys, highs and lows. Today I feel my spirit has lifted somewhat. I have already hemmed a pair of gray flannel pants that I want to wear to a family get-together on Saturday, washed, dried and put away a load of dark clothes and planted an amaryllis. I can't handle Christmas decorations yet so I'm telling myself not to worry about it. I have always had three particular sad periods, the beginning of the schoolyear, the end of the schoolyear and Christmas. Since I have retired, school has not bothered me. Even with subbing, that dark, empty feeling has gone away. Christmas is still hard to handle and I don't know why.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

seasonal depression

I am fighting depression. My brain is telling me to get my house decorated for Christmas but I still have pumpkins on my dining room table. I know there is shopping to get done. I had planned to walk at the little mall today and do some shopping after but I couldn't get out of my pajamas. I keep telling myself that it's okay to be lazy one day. Tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow I will wake up with a positive attitude. Tomorrow I will exercise and shop and decorate for Christmas. Please dear Jesus, help me get out of the dumps.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


God, we thank you for this food.
For rest and home and all things good.
For wind and rain and sun above.
But most of all for those we love.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

white cactus

My white cactus is now blooming. That's a good thing! 

Friday, November 18, 2011

they're done

Seven dozen cookies ready to be delivered this morning for the big cookie sale tomorrow. I say big because they usually sell more than twelve thousand dozen. I'm serious, that's alot of cookies!

I also received a kid bite on Thursday, the third one of my teaching career. I was fortunate because it did not break my skin. If there was blood I would have had to be tested for HIV and everybody knows how much I hate needles!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

dying sugar

I have to make several dozen Christmas cookies for a "cookie sale" at a local retirement home. No, I'm not a resident there but I may be someday. It is a restored mansion built along the Missouri River and the view is amazing. Today I am dying the sugar that I will use to roll the cookies in. The recipe also calls for Hersey's "candy cane" kisses which I found yesterday at Target. I will be subbing the next two days so these will be baked after school on Thursday. Maybe my amazing hubby will help me!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

two poems

Wash the dishes,
Wipe the dishes,
Ring the bell for tea.

Three good wishes,
Three good kisses,
I will give to thee.

Apples, peaches,
Pears, plums,
Tell me when your
Birthday comes.

I love poems and always used them alot when I was teaching full time. Both of these poems could be used to teach a lesson on plurals.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

trees & leaves

Nature Center pictures from last week. I could go out there again today but I feel like being around people for some reason so I'm heading to the Green Way, then maybe TJMax!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

sexual harasssment

I was a victim of sexual harassment during my first two years of teaching. At a time when I needed encouragement and mentoring, my principal called me "bedroom eyes," told me crude jokes and threatened termination if I told anyone. All this time has gone by and I don't think about it anymore but it was very hurtful. I was only twenty one years old. I believe Herman Cain should be put in jail for what he did. He should not be running for President.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

cleaning day

I'm cleaning this morning because it's windy, more than windy, blustery. But the sun is out and hopefully I can make it to the nature center this afternoon. Earlier I made some hot chocolate mix, my own recipe.


16 ozs. non-fat dry milk, I used Carnation, I don't usually buy dry milk but I found it at
I/2 cup or a little more of Hershey's Cocoa, also at Walmart

I use 2 tablespoons in a mug and instead of sugar, I use a packet of Truvia. Truthfully, I use Truvia and a scant teaspoon of the real stuff. This recipe tastes a lot better than the mix you buy and I know it has less calories because I use hardly any sugar. It's a good thing!

Monday, November 7, 2011

come celebrate with me

It must be a Thanksgiving cactus! I have three and it's the only one blooming so far. My German grandmother and mother always had at least one blooming during the holidays and I am proud to carry on the tradition.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

i'm reading

I picked up two new-release books from the library last week. Right now I'm into David King's Death in the City of Light, The Serial Killer of Nazi-Occupied Paris. Very interesting and well-written. I'm also working my way through Barron's Painless Pre-Algerbra by Amy Stahl. What does that say about me? I'm seriously into serial killers and algerbra.

Friday, November 4, 2011

day 13, subbing

It turned out to be a pee and poop day and I am so glad it's over. I'm taking a long, hot shower and my sweet hubby is frying fish for dinner. The best part of the day was the nature walk we took but when we got back to the school they all had wet and dooty pants!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

it's raining

I've decided to take a break from walking today. Earlier I took some books back to the library. One was the tell-all about Sarah Palin written by the guy who lived next door while he was digging up dirt doing research on her. In his book Mcginnis more or less states that Sarah is a rather neglectful mother who spends alot of afternoons shopping at Nordstroms. I had already figured that out. Working out/running takes time. I am able to do this because I am retired semi-retired with no children at home. He also mentioned how much he liked his new treagor grill. As a matter of fact, he mentioned it often. Hubby and I are planning to purchase a treagor grill next spring when we finish the new patio.

I also stopped at Target and bought some new work-out pants. They carry the c9champion brand which I feel are very comfortable.

 If it stops raining, I will walk.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

a warm fall day

Yesterday I walked 4.47 miles. Today I walked 4.51 miles. In the hood. Did I mention that "naked man" sold his house and moved across town.
 Here's a recipe that I made this afternoon. I don't often eat meat but I know that Hubby enjoys it.


4 pork chops
1 pkg. Stove Top dressing (I use cornbread flavor)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/2 can water

Season pork chops with salt and pepper. Brown quickly on both sides. Place in greased pan. Prepare dressing. Using an ice cream dipper, pat dressing on top of each pork chop. Mix soup with water. Pour around pork chops ( the recipe says not to pour over dressing but I do). Bake covered at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove cover and continue baking for 15 minutes under tender.