Thursday, November 3, 2011

it's raining

I've decided to take a break from walking today. Earlier I took some books back to the library. One was the tell-all about Sarah Palin written by the guy who lived next door while he was digging up dirt doing research on her. In his book Mcginnis more or less states that Sarah is a rather neglectful mother who spends alot of afternoons shopping at Nordstroms. I had already figured that out. Working out/running takes time. I am able to do this because I am retired semi-retired with no children at home. He also mentioned how much he liked his new treagor grill. As a matter of fact, he mentioned it often. Hubby and I are planning to purchase a treagor grill next spring when we finish the new patio.

I also stopped at Target and bought some new work-out pants. They carry the c9champion brand which I feel are very comfortable.

 If it stops raining, I will walk.

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