Saturday, April 28, 2012

almost five

I drove to the middle school today to walk a mile on their track. I did four laps in 16 and one half minutes. After that I walked miles two, three and four and three fourths downtown on the track that runs across the Missouri River Bridge. It was glorious weather but very humid. I was dripping sweat when I got back to the library where my car was parked. Tomorrow I may not walk at all as I am invited out of town to a party.

Friday, April 27, 2012

This is the first year in a long time that I failed to de-bud the rose bushes and I can't believe how they have bloomed out. The pictures were taken earlier this morning before rain showers. The middle pic shows my little side-kick who follows me everywhere these days. He considers himself king of the whole neighborhood!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I have been walking four miles every day this week except for yesterday. I attended a funeral; my first one so far this year. Sometimes they come in waves you know. This particular funeral was Catholic. I love their ceremony and music and even the incense. Earlier this morning I was called to sub tomorrow in third grade, one of my favorites but I had to decline. They're putting in my new kitchen cabinets and I want to be here!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

happy earth day

A redbud tree taken at the Greenway parking lot; I meant to post this on Friday, the true Earth Day but I am a firm believer that Earth Day should be celebrated everyday of the year.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

submarine movie

I couldn't sleep last night so I stayed up until two watching a submarine movie on AMC. I have always liked movies about submarines and this one was haunted which made it even better. Today I walked three and a half miles downtown and took the track that leads across the Missouri River. I also did laundry and bought a new pair of Brighton earrings. I couldn't resist!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

the classroom

Do I miss them? A little bit...but this week so far I have walked twelve miles, had a three hour lunch date with a dear friend yesterday and this morning after walking, I returned my broken Brighton bracelet back to the little boutique that I had originally purchased it and they are going to replace it. Oh yes, I couldn't resist, I had to buy a new one as well.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I've started something new

I've started cleansing my face with oil. This is something I've wondered about for awhile and since have done some research, I've decided to give it a try. True, it's only been a week but I think I can say my skin appears to be more youthful and that's a good thing. My "cleansing concoction " is two ounces of Castor oil, one half ounce each of grapeseed oil and jojoba oil. What sold me is this:  even if your skin is dry, it still has oil on it and oil attracts oil. Plus, I've always had relatively good skin, I just want to keep it that way.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Brad Pitt

Every so often I have a really weird dream. Last night I was at a small gathering and Brad Pitt was there. We talked like old friends and he happened to have the big diamond ring with him, the one that he was going to give Angie. He was very proud of it and asked for my opinion. I love diamonds and I was thrilled to have a peek. The ring was way too gaudy for me but I told him that I thought Angie would love it. And then... I tried to talk him into having the wedding at Ha Ha Tonka State Park. Honestly, that was my dream!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Saturday was the day...

We finally got rid of the yellow! What a big improvement! Today is more shopping; only it's little bathroom paint, ceiling fans for the new office and upstairs bedrooms, and a wireless doorbell. Plus, I need to start thinking about what color I want in the dining room which we may start using once it has had it's much needed make-over. Anyway, the scaffolding has come down and we are beginning to see our house come together. Yay! Next big thing is the new cabinets two weeks away!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

show and tell

To celebrate my next to the last day of subbing, I brought home take-out ribs for dinner. I knew Hubby would like them. Although I don't eat a great deal of meat; I have to say they tasted really good. Tomorrow at school we are celebrating with a popcorn party and the movie, Balto. I love Balto, he's one of my favorite dog heroes. Today was show and tell day and we had quite a collection: a needlepoint jewelry box shaped like an old fashioned stove and filled with  "junk," a photo of a beloved lop-eared bunny named Scoup who died of old age on Easter morning, a fake butterfly enclosed in a glass jar that fluttered around when you rubbed the lid. My contribution; two pieces of genuine whale baleen and a shiny Sacagawea dollar which I did not pass around.

Friday, April 6, 2012


He asked me yesterday if He died on Friday or did He come back to life on Friday. I was touched. This was in the middle of a Math lesson. Yes, I said, you have it right, He did die on Friday and then on Sunday, he came back to life and that's why we celebrate Easter. Oh, I knew I had it right, he said.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

6 days, 1200 dollars

Because the "Head Shed" gave us Good Friday off, I am down to six days (twelve hundred dollars) left and I will officially be finished with my long term subbing job. That's a new vanity in my little guest bathroom! Besides the money, these guys are really growing on me and I'm afraid that I might miss them when I leave. But I'll still enjoy being home laying around in my pajamas too! Little Sam has done a great job being kenneled all day; no accidents in either his cage or on the nice, new wood floors! That just goes to show you that you can teach a old dog (eleven years) new tricks. My posting has been sporadic lately but I will soon have lots more time for walking, shopping, reading, having lunch out with friends... oh, I'm so glad I'm retired!