Thursday, August 30, 2012


This morning I walked 5.04 miles or a total of over thirteen miles so far this week. It was extremely hot again today with temps in the high 90s. The water element that runs beside my favorite walking tract has dried up weeks ago. I noticed this morning how distressed the trees are becoming. Their leaves are curling up, becoming brown and falling already. Tomorrow we are supposed to have cooler weather with temps in the mid 80s. And we are lucky enough to be in the path of Isaac which will bring us some much needed rain. I thank Jesus for this in advance! This afternoon I finished Mary Soames's book, A Daughter's Tale. She is Winston Churchill's youngest daughter and I assume she is still living. I thought the book was very interesting although a little wordy during the war years. I am beginning Buried in the Sky by Amanda Padoan and Peter Zuckerman. It is about mountain climbers on K2. I'm sure it will be fascinating. I didn't hear from the doctor or the nurse today so I am hoping that I will tomorrow. I did receive a bill from the anesthesiologist. Fortunately my insurance covered the whole amount. Now I have some money for new furniture. Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

the gamma cam

I was under the Gamma Cam today and although painless except for the injection it was not an experience that I want to have again anytime soon. I am slightly claustrophobic and I had to lay straight as a pin with a huge thing that covered my upper body, like an MRI machine. The Gamma Cam took pictures of my parathyroid which I didn't even know I had until two weeks ago. The nurse should call me with the results tomorrow. For the tests today, I wore my new pair of NYDJ capri pants. I love this brand and from now on its the only kind of jeans I will buy! I also wore a new tee that I picked up from Target. I did not have to change into a gown for this test. I decided to go without jewelry because I'm sure they would made me take it off. It's just something that I've learned from past experience.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

some reading and such

I've been reading a lot lately. Today I finished Cemetery John the Undiscovered Mastermind of the Lindbergh Kidnapping by Robert Zorn. I found out that Bruno Richard Hauptmann, who was executed for the crime, was a Lutheran. He definitely was guilty but denied up to the end that he had anything to do with the kidnapping. He had two partners in crime but did not rat them out as that would have proven that he was indeed guilty. I am also reading my fifth book about the Titanic, an ebook on my iPad. It will go quick!
I had an out-patient procedure done last week with good results and I'm scheduled for another one next week. I am grateful that I have good insurance. Enough said.
I finally got into the decorating mode last week and purchased a new travertine mirror for my little bathroom. I'm also ordering new window coverings/drapes for my dining room as soon as Hubby does the measuring. With all the new hardwood I am in desperate need of area rugs but I just don't trust Sam. It would just take one pee mess and I would be sick. Good rugs are expensive...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Potato Chip Cookies

This recipe was rather labor intensive. I even toasted the pecans last night but they have a light, crunchy texture and a good mix of sweet and salty. It's a Martha Stewart "Cookie of the Month" recipe.

Gee Mom, I'm glad the dog catcher didn't get me!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

the dog catcher

The dog catcher almost got Sam this morning. I usually walk him but this morning I was distracted so I just let him out. He loves to bark at the rabbits in the lot next door and chase them into the blackberry bushes. I had just walked out and called him back into the yard and here come the animal control truck down the hill. That was close! I know he's supposed to be on a leash and from now on I won't take any more chances. I teased him all day about going to doggy jail. Tomorrow I'm making Martha Stewart's Potato Chip Cookies. I'll try to post a picture.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Note to Katie Holmes:
Put Suri down! She is six years old and going into first grade. You are treating her like a little baby carrying her around whenever you two go out in the city. She needs to grow up and act like a little girl, although a wealthy one.