Wednesday, August 29, 2012

the gamma cam

I was under the Gamma Cam today and although painless except for the injection it was not an experience that I want to have again anytime soon. I am slightly claustrophobic and I had to lay straight as a pin with a huge thing that covered my upper body, like an MRI machine. The Gamma Cam took pictures of my parathyroid which I didn't even know I had until two weeks ago. The nurse should call me with the results tomorrow. For the tests today, I wore my new pair of NYDJ capri pants. I love this brand and from now on its the only kind of jeans I will buy! I also wore a new tee that I picked up from Target. I did not have to change into a gown for this test. I decided to go without jewelry because I'm sure they would made me take it off. It's just something that I've learned from past experience.

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