Saturday, June 29, 2013

little mary

I know there is a heat wave in the southwest but here the weather is glorious, high 70s but windy. I don't usually ride on the weekends on the Katy as it tends to get crowded with kids and families. I walked 4.12 miles this morning on the Memorial Park trail which takes me across the Missouri River. It's muddy brown but this morning I noticed the water was glistening. When I walk this track I always pass the grave of Mary Pirner. Her gravestone is at the edge of the old St. Peters Cemetery. Her little stone is so close inside the iron fence if my arm were a little longer I could reach out and touch it. Here is what I know about Mary: she was born on November 23, 1896 and she died February 8, 1897. I always make a point to say "Hi Mary."

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