Sunday, September 29, 2013

all is well

I've been fine. Actually better than fine, I'm all healed from my accident and things are going well. I walked today on the Green way my regular four miles. I was tempted to go to the Katy but its really too crowded for me on the weekends. I've been subbing and doing a little decorating and spending time everyday reading. And celebrating; the Cards are in the playoffs! Go Cards!

Monday, September 16, 2013

amelia earhart

I subbed til noon and paid my quarterly taxes at the IRS office. I stopped by Target and bought a navy blue sweater and a jar of ground flax seeds. I used the weight machines and walked a mile on the indoor track at the Y. I finished Amelia Earhart by Doris Rich. 899 pages. I'm now an expert since that's the third book I've read about her. And the most interesting.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


This is the first day I've been on my bike since my accident. I went to the Katy and although it was busy, I had a great ride. My elbow is still a little sore but I chose not to visit a doctor; I have a general disdain for all things medical. An elbow isn't like a knee which you use all the time and supports your weight. Anyway, the weather is glorious, fall like and I rode my regular fourteen miles. Cedar Creek is my new favorite spot to stop; I saw seven little baby turtles sunning on a log.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


This guy visited me on my garage floor yesterday. I had to take a picture. He didn't stay long; I don't blame him. It was a beautiful day to fly. So yesterday I biked 14 miles and this morning walked four but I got a late start and was dripping with sweat when I finished around noon. Tomorrow I'm planning to go back to the Katy if I don't get called to sub. Also, I'm reading Drunk, Divorced & Covered in Cat Hair. It's hilarious!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

pics from the Katy

It was fun to get to the Katy this morning. The temp was mid 70s; heaven for riding.