Saturday, July 24, 2010

missing kids

I obsess over missing children. Poor Kyron Horman, is he locked away in some stranger's basement? Did someone take him to a foreign country? Or more likely, did his evil, demented, step-mom Terri murder him? I think about him and wonder what happened?

I lost a kid once. It was in the summer and I was teaching a group of  fifteen pre-k kids. I had an aide to help me, a college-age kid named Kirk. One student was Andrew, a brilliant little guy who thought he was a bird and acted like a bird. One afternoon at recess close to dismissal time, Andrew was missing from the end of the line. I was frantic. It was a flat playground and very easy to see that Andrew was not there. While I watched the class, Kirk went up on the adjoining soccer field and found him squatting in the tall grass. Like I said, he actually thought he was a bird!!

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