Friday, July 16, 2010

Repotting plants and book review

I always try to accomplish at least one industrious thing during the day and by the way, I consider laundry to be industrious. Today, I repotted a couple of my plants. Earlier this spring I found an ornamental pepper plant in the clearance aisle at Walmart. I brought it home and made the mistake of putting it into a container that was too small. It loves full sun. I have it sitting next to my rock garden and it has doubled in size. I also purchased a small African violet (half price, again at Walmart) so it went into the pot that the pepper plant was in. My grandmother used to raise African violets, I will keep it in a special spot and watch it like a hawk. I have tried African violets before; in fact she used to give them to me but I guess I had other things on my mind...
I also wanted to spend some time reading Country Driving by Peter Hessler. This is the third book that I have read by him and I am absolutely fascinated with it. Here is a Chinese factory boss explaining why he likes to hire young female workers.
"Girls have more patience and they're easier to handle," he explained. "Men are more trouble--they start fights or cause some other problem." When I asked about the ideal worker, Boss Wang said that she should be young and inexperienced. "If she's already had other jobs, then I'll just have to pay her more." he said. For the same reason he preferred a candidate to have little formal education. It was a bad sign if she dressed well or had a distinctive hairstyle. Pretty girls were a risk. "I want a person to look average, " Boss Wang said. "I don't want anybody who's too complicated. I don't want somebody who thinks, 'If I feel like doing something, then I'm going to do it.' That's no good for me." One of Boss Wang's questions in job interviews was to ask about hobbies. If a candidate said, "Playing cards" or "Spending time with friends," that was a negative--too frivolous. "Reading books" indicated that an applicant was lazy. Worst of all was a job candidate who said she spent free time on the Internet. "I like it if she enjoys being with her family, or caring for her mother, or something like that," Boss Wang said. "That's what a simple person from the countryside should be like. I want somebody who can eat bitterness."

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