Thursday, September 30, 2010

park walk

I walked in the park (across from the Carmelites) today thinking that with all of the trees, it would be peaceful and breezy. It was breezy but the park was full of screaming, laughing children chasing each other with pointy sticks. I kept wondering why they were not in school, then I noticed the bus. I guess they were on a field trip and made a stop at the park to play.
Why is it that kids can be normal at school but when you take them on a field trip they act like wild animals set free from their cages? No joking, I know this happens. Anyway, the kids were corralled and loaded back into their cages, I mean school bus so I was able to finish my walk in peaceful surroundings. I walked the park path nine times which turned out to be 4.6 miles.
Back to subbing tomorrow.

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