Friday, September 10, 2010

subbing : day seven

Remember the shin kicker? I had him yesterday in class. This time I was his teacher. He greeted me with a big hug when he saw me in the morning and I gave him lots of attention and compliments on good behavior. Later in the day I caught him pinching his facilitator but it wasn't me this time.
On another subject, a poor little elderly lady was murdered Tuesday in Sedalia, Missouri, home of the state fair, bad drivers, and Scott Joplin (think rag-time). Some unknown broke out a window in her garage, snuck in and strangled and stabbed her to death. Her neighbor heard her screams and ran to help out but unfortunately was too late. All I can say is there are a lot of mean people in this world.  

Dear Jesus,
We need you more than ever in this world. Please protect and defend us against all evil doings.  

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