Friday, April 29, 2011


Yesterday I walked 13,251 steps or 5.2 miles. Today I walked 12,807 steps or 4.85 miles. Today was a decent day, not a great one but decent is okay. Anyway, April is over and May means the end of school. We have four full weeks left or twenty days but one day is field trip to the library, one day is Field Day and nobody works too hard on the last day so that means seventeen days as far as I'm concerned. Next week is "Teacher Appreciation Week" and our PTA is going all out and giving us all manis and pedis. Yes, we deserve to be pampered!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

a long day

I stayed after school rearranging tables because I think if  I take "owner-ship" of the classroom, it might promote better behavior. I am also going to display a sign stating that I expect good behavior. I don't know, at this point I am willing to try anything.
 I would have taken a picture of the new arrangement but I needed to stop at Walmart. While I was at the deli counter, the saleslady handed me a sample of ham because I couldn't make up my mind as to what kind I wanted, the ham was so dry that I started to choke. I disperately needed something to drink so I walked over to a big juice bin and opened up a bottle. I did make sure it was lo-cal.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

day 14

15,692 steps or 5.94 miles. I made a huge mistake today and wore my cute Jessica Simpson shoes to school and I am paying for it now as my feet really hurt. The janitor told me that we are down to 22 more days, not that I'm anxious to get this over with so that I can enjoy my life again. This week-end I am buying marigolds to plant in milk cartons for Mother's Day. I hope they appreciate it. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

things i miss

On Monday I walked 13,473 steps or 5.10 miles. Today I walked 10,642 steps or 4.03 miles. I had forgotten how hard a teacher works. I miss:
  • taking an afternoon nap
  • walking on my favorite trail
  • spending time with my sweet little furbaby
  • putzing in my rose garden
  • staying in my pajamas till 10
  • watching Oprah
Still, I love being a "real" teacher again and the pay isn't bad either!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

fruit salad dressing

This is a stand by recipe for fruit salad; my contribution to any get-together which involves eating. I found it in an old Lutheran cookbook.

3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 cans (6 oz. each) pineapple juice
1 can (6 oz.) frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
1/2 to 1 cup sugar
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup lemon juice

In a saucepan, combine the flour, pineapple juice, orange juice concentrate, sugar, honey and lemon juice. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened and bubbly. Cool. Serve over fruit. Leftover dressing may be refrigerated for up to 1 week.

Friday, April 22, 2011

busy teacher's easter prayer

Dear Jesus,
       I was not in church today to sit in quiet prayer. Instead I was on a nature walk with six year olds teaching them how to enjoy and respect the Earth that You gave us. Thank You for giving me health which allows me to continue with my profession. Thank You for providing me and my family with clean water and food, clothing and a nice home. I will try to appreciate it more. Most of all, thank You for dying on the cross to wash away my sins. I truly believe that Heaven is my real home and this is just my journey. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

day 10

12,680 steps walked at school. 4.8 miles today. I caved. Everyone went home with 5 stuffed eggs and one empty one. I'm glad tomorrow's Friday, Good Friday and also Earth Day. Everyone's supposed to show up wearing green. We get out two hours early and that is a good thing. Hallelujah!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

smart board

Today I walked 10,260 steps or 3.88 miles. This morning I taught editing skills to six year olds using a Smart Board. I loved it, of course I had a captive audience but they clapped and I bowed all around. Tomorrow is the egg hunt which I have kept as a surprise. My dilemma is this: should I take away the fun for a couple of ornery boys with big-time behavior problems. I could make them sit at the quiet table or even sit in another classroom while the rest of the class hunts and has fun. Will taking away a fun activity make them want to behave for me? I will probably make my decision tomorrow. I'm such a softy, I hope I don't cave.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

update: day seven and eight

Yesterday I walked a whopping 13,156 steps or 4.98 miles. At the end of the day we were talking about whatever and she told me that she had to move to a motel with her family and leave her dog behind and that made her sad. I was at a loss for words so I just said it made me sad too. The night before I had spend 60 dollars on a chunky Fossil necklace because I thought it would look good with a sweater I had just purchased.
Today I walked 10,954 steps or 4.14 miles. I just got home from Walmart where I spent $33 on plastic eggs and candy crap to stuff inside. I need to remember they're little kids and maybe it's hard to hunt eggs when you live in a motel.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

some pictures

Yesterday my pedometer read 16,257 steps or 6.15 miles all at school! I couldn't believe how tired I was when I got home, that's why I'm posting this on Saturday morning and doing a ton of laundry so I can start all over again on Monday.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

mom's broke

He wanted to tell me that today was his birthday. "What special present did you ask for?" I ask him. "Nothing, I'm getting nothing because Mom's broke." "But," he continues, "This is when she'll have some money." He pointed to the 30th on the calendar. "She'll have lots of money and then I'll get a birthday present.
Today I walked 11,141 steps at school or 4.22 miles. I made a thousand dollars and I earned every penny of it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

kindergarten, day four

Wow, today I walked a whopping 14,757 steps or 5.59 miles. I told you I would get my daily miles in subbing in kindergarten. Yesterday I came home too dog-tired to even sit down at the computer but today I feel more energetic. Yesterday I walked 3.69 miles and I forget the number of steps.
On Friday we are making healthy treats, Strawberry Ladybugs. After school I purchased two containers of strawberries, blueberries, (it just about killed me to pay $4 for a small carton) pull apart licorice and mini chocolate chips. Can you guess how they will go together to make a ladybug. I'll try to post a picture. If I keep them in the refrigerator in the teacher's lounge, will some unknown person eat them?
Tomorrow (Thursday) I'm eating out after school at a new Mexican restaurant that just opened in River City. Small things make me happy!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

kindergarten, day two

Today I walked 10,398 steps or 3.93 miles at school. Tonight my "to do" list includes:
  • Working on my first newsletter, due Friday
  • searching the house for my copy of The Napping House for read-aloud tomorrow
  • brainstorming an easy snack that a six year old can make that ties in with animal body parts.
  • figuring out my schedule.

Friday, April 8, 2011

wild and crazy day

Got the phone call last night. She's in the hospital right now but no baby yet. I feel like I'm ready for a hospital bed myself as they really tried me out today. After lunch we did Goldilocks and the Three Bears as a play five times so that everyone could get a turn at the parts and then ate oatmeal/porridge which they said tasted yucky. 
Walking down the long hallways are a chore as arms are flailing everywhere and kids are getting knocked down and hit in the face with jackets and pack backs. Are the crazies aware of what they are doing? No. Do they care that the kid behind them suffered a blow to the stomach or the eye? No. How long am I signed up to do this? 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

that's never happened before

Yesterday was election day. It was a good turn-out according to our County Clerk. All of the races were at the local level; school board, city council and of course, the trash issue. I voted for all the winners and the Proposition to get the trash issue changed was defeated by 74%. 
I am still waiting for Kindergarten Baby and I know this will be my last "free" week for awhile. I'm sure I will be facing twentytwo little kids next Monday morning. I'm sad because it took so long for the warm spring weather to arrive and now that it's here, I'll be stuck in school. I need to appreciate the opportunity to be a teacher again and make sure it's a fun experience for teacher and kids!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

remodel, before pics

I really hate this green dining room and after sixteen years, I think the chandelier looks dated.

New paint, new appliances, new granite counter tops, Yea, I can't wait!

Monday, April 4, 2011

curb side recycling

Tomorrow is election day here in River City. One of the more controversial amendments concerns our trash service which includes curb side recycling. All city residents are required to pay monthly for this service. We have two bins or containers or blue things as they are called at our house. They are emptied once a week and everyone pays on average $15 dollars a month. I feel this is a very reasonable rate. Well, some people don't like the fact that they were not given a choice; if you happen to be a city resident, you have to pay. Some people think they could get by cheaper if they were allowed to share a bin with a neighbor and split the cost. The amendment is worded strangely, a no vote means the service stays the way it is. A yes vote means that the current contract with the trash service is broken and the city could possible be sued. I will be voting no on this issue, why change a good thing!

Friday, April 1, 2011

deer and jackie kennedy

See what I mean by neighborhood friends, he was standing in my front yard as I opened the door to let Sam out.
I picked up some new books at the library yesterday. I started Reading Jackie by William Kuhn.  This particular book tells about Mrs. Kennedy as a book editor in NYC. Okay, she worked three days a week from 9 till 12:30, but who am I to judge; I worked two afternoons last week and so far this week I'm still waiting for my phone call to tell me that the baby is coming. I'll be responsible for 22 kindergartners  through the end of the year. I know I'm a good teacher but Dear Jesus, please give me patience.