Tuesday, October 18, 2011


This morning I helped my missionary group put together braille books. We made seven 73 page books suitable for second graders. I fed the aluminium plates through the ancient braille machine so now I have done all the positions on the assembly line. We laughed and had a good time telling stories on ourselves. But there is one story that I am keeping a secret; they are all "tea party" republicans and I am a "closet" democrat. I just keep my mouth shut, you can learn a lot that way. 
Over the weekend my brother-in-law found a perfect arrow head in our backyard. The unwritten rule is "whoever finds it gets to keep it." I aways knew that there were Osage Indians living right here in this very spot where I am living now. It really makes me respect my little acre of ground more than ever. I must work on a patio prayer soon.

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