Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I'm a subber but I'm also a retired teacher. I receive a very nice retirement check at the end of every month. I feel grateful but let's face it, I did earn it through many years of teaching. My retirement system has a rule that I may sub in a public school only so many hours/days in the current school year or I may be penalized by having my benefit check stopped and making me repay all the money paid to me during the period I was ineligible. I keep track on my calendar how many days I sub month to month. Because I am planning to do a "long term" subbing assignment next February for a friend who is having a baby I need to "save up my days" so to speak. This subbing assignment will last through the end of April and that will use up alot of my days. So that means I am on "subbing hiatus." I plan to walk and go biking today! 

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