Wednesday, February 29, 2012

spring pictures

Today was Spring Picture Day which is different from regular school picture day. The photographer takes a full body pose and there are a couple of assistants who help the kids get into poses as cute as possible. By the way, the photographer used to take a picture of the teachers for free because we have to help collect the money but I guess now we do it for nothing because nobody offered to take my picture. Anyway, kids show up is all kinds of outfits; Hello Kitty dresses, Cub Scout uniforms, jeans and tee shirts. That's what Timmy (not his real name) wore to school today. He had his picture taken and I'm sure he looked nice. But this is what happened later. He came up to me with this sack and in it was a very small tee shirt, toddler size. "Mom told me to wear this after I have my picture taken," he said. "Are you sure it will fit you?" I said.  "Mom told me to put it on." he answered. "Okay." I said. He came back from the boy's restroom wearing the tiny tee shirt and wore it the rest of the day. Why would a mom do that to a little kid?  Why not just let him wear the tee shirt he wore for Spring Pictures? Sometimes I just don't get it!

Monday, February 27, 2012

before pics

My house is upside down. My kitchen is packed away in boxes spread throughout the house. Most of the furniture is stacked to the ceiling in the little setting room in the front of the house. The carpeting that Sam peed on is gone and the new floor is acclimating in there. The rest of the wood floor will come up soon. I have a new computer room, it's my upstairs spare bedroom. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Because I'm a retired teacher, emphasis on tired; I have alot of stories that I can share, sort of like a storyteller, which I always considered a teacher to be anyway. I've got stories about weird kids, weird parents, homeless men who camp out overnight in my classroom, snakes behind the trash I was able to share the story about a little girl named Sarah who brought a baby alligator to school for "show and tell." Her father who worked in the produce department of a local grocery store found it at the bottom of a box of oranges. He brought it home for Sarah and of course, she wanted to bring it to school and show it off. I love that story and the reaction of the kids, they are in awe of a little girl having a pet alligator.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

ash wednesday

I feel guilty. Because of teaching and other chores after school, I will be unable to make it to church tonight. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent and is sacred in the Lutheran Church. But I did get blessed by a homeless veteran at Walmart this afternoon when I stopped to give him a $5 bill. And I will spend some time in quiet contemplation, probably while I am eating my Healthy Choice grilled chicken pesto with veggies later at dinner.  

Lord Jesus, You worked great miracles to reveal Yourself to Your followers. Help me to see and believe in You in the weeks to come.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

reading and math

We worked like mad dogs all morning. I met with all four reading groups and even the little strugglers sounded more fluent and read with expression. I was so proud of them. Then after lunch we had a basic lesson on calendar skills and when I asked how many days there were in a week; all I got was blank looks in return. Then I asked if they knew how many months were in one year, and someone answered "two." OMG! Have these kids been hiding under a rock or what, I feel that is basic information that you learn or should learn in kindergarten. I was shocked that this group of smart kids could not come up with the correct answer or maybe they were just pulling my leg?

Monday, February 20, 2012

packing up

We are in the process of packing up our kitchen and dining room to get ready for the huge remodeling job. I would take a picture but it's just boxes on top of more boxes. Fortunately, we have a big bedroom downstairs in our house that more or less, we just use for storage. The new appliances, shiny aluminum, are ordered and on their way, as well as the new pre-finished wood floor and the seven gallons of paint. Hey, you can't say we haven't been helping the economy!
Yes, we are still without an "upstairs" refrigerator and too lazy to store alot of real food in the one that we have downstairs behind the bar. Three more weeks before the new one arrives. What I'm craving most? Ice!

Monday, February 13, 2012


We got snow today. As a matter of fact, we are still getting it. My school was dismissed two hours early today and after-school conferences were postponed till Wednesday. Yay! I decided to go home and make a pot of Potato Bacon Soup. And I threw in some fresh broccoli that was left over from a salad that I made.


8 slices bacon, chopped (I generally use more)
1 cup onion, chopped
2 1/2 cup potatoes, cubed
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream
2 cups milk
Salt (to taste)
Pepper (to taste)

Fry bacon until crisp. Add onion and saute 2 - 3 minutes. Drain. Cook potatoes in 1 cup water for 10 -15 minutes. Stir in soup, sour cream, bacon and onions. Add milk gradually, stirring constantly. Add salt and pepper. Heat to serving temperature. DO NOT BOIL.
I usually take my potato smasher and mush the potatoes up somewhat. And I am never exact with my ingredients but it always turns out.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

cause & effect

I have been teaching this skill to second graders this week and it reminded me of what's going on at home. The cause: Our eighteen year old refrigerator stopped working last Sunday. We have been living out of two coolers sitting on our back porch. Thank you Jesus for temperatures in the 20s this past week. The effect: We took this as a sign to completely gut our entire kitchen, new floors, new cabinets, new appliances, and open up this space by cutting a large portion of one wall out. It's going to be a huge remodeling job and I promise to post "before" pictures soon.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

election day etc...

Today I finished one week of subbing, nine more to go! I used the Ladybug for the first time, that's an updated over-head projector that displays an exact copy of a worksheet or workbook page on the Smart board. We also played "Stop the Clock," a computer game on the Smart board. From a teacher that started her career using a chalkboard way back when, I can't believe how easy and fun a Smart board is. Today is Election Day here in Missouri so after school (with rain and sleet coming down) I had to vote. I'm probably as far left as you can go but (I have a crazy reason for doing this) I always vote Republican in the primary election. I proudly marked my ballot for Ron Paul. Now before I can watch any tv, I have to work on my weekly newsletter. My kids are sweetie pies and I really am enjoying myself being a teacher again but I am missing my afternoon naps for sure!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

second grade speak

Kids, especially second graders have their own special lingo. For instance I love:
  • I did it on accident.
  • Do you want us to start with number one?
  • Is this important?
  • I did that the other yesterday.
And ...
  • I gave it to her yesterday night.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

i'm in love

Okay, my little guys are so adorable! They're sweet and funny and I'm amazed how well they can read.The first day pretty much flew by and then I rushed home so I could take Sam for a little walk. Even with a very good class being a teacher is a tough job because you are always on duty; from the minute you greet them at your door to walking them to their bus at four. I announced at the end of the day that I think I worked harder than President Obama today. They laughed.
 Oh, the baybee was born this afternoon, a little girl named Ava.