Tuesday, February 7, 2012

election day etc...

Today I finished one week of subbing, nine more to go! I used the Ladybug for the first time, that's an updated over-head projector that displays an exact copy of a worksheet or workbook page on the Smart board. We also played "Stop the Clock," a computer game on the Smart board. From a teacher that started her career using a chalkboard way back when, I can't believe how easy and fun a Smart board is. Today is Election Day here in Missouri so after school (with rain and sleet coming down) I had to vote. I'm probably as far left as you can go but (I have a crazy reason for doing this) I always vote Republican in the primary election. I proudly marked my ballot for Ron Paul. Now before I can watch any tv, I have to work on my weekly newsletter. My kids are sweetie pies and I really am enjoying myself being a teacher again but I am missing my afternoon naps for sure!

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