Wednesday, March 14, 2012

book list

I just finished reading The Wilder Life by Wendy McClure. Since I'm from the Midwest and grew up reading all of the "Little House" books, I knew when I saw the title that I had to read the McClure book. It's about a 30s girl from Chicago who grew up living in Laura World and decided to take road trips to visit all of the Ingalls homestead sites. On some of the trips her boyfriend went with her; on other trips, she just took out alone. I enjoyed it very much. I've always loved the "Little House" books, not so much the television show. Now I'm reading the book about the astronomer who "kills" Pluto. I've just gotten into it. Oh, I also have to use wall paper stripper and remove the little strip on wallpaper still in my dining room. You can see it if you go back to the "before picture" I posted. It was under the baseboard which will be replaced with a wider piece. Why is there a need to take it off if we are just going to cover it up with another piece of baseboard? Because that is the way my "perfectionist hubby" does things!

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