Tuesday, March 13, 2012

spring break

The second day of my spring break was spent picking out a new kitchen sink and faucet. Also, the five gallons of paint originally meant for the kitchen wall will now become the ceiling color and we will coordinate with that on the walls, so back to the paint store for more samples. The dining room gets new carpeting and paint. The laundry room gets a new tile floor and paint after the wallpaper which is original to the house when we built it seventeen years ago is removed. All of the doors and wood trim will be replaced and we have some different plans for our fireplace as well. Lots of updates and changes going on and I'm trying to enjoy this upheaval and know that it will be worth it in the end. This is Sam's second day in his kennel. He is a good little trooper and so far, so good. He just cannot pee on the new wood floors. Dear Jesus, help me get that through his sweet little doggie head! 

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